

but looking?

People online in

fast, easy, and anonymous


England's largest discreet, like-minded, and non-judgmental, community

Anonymous profiles, secret chat, and private photo galleries

Female focused & female friendly. Sasha7 is 100% free for women

Photos timed to disappear in 5 seconds

New to online/discreet dating? We guide you through creating a discreet yet attractive profile!

Questions & Concerns

Is it Safe?

Safety is the number one priority at Sasha7. Sasha7 is fully GDPR compliant and follows the strictest possible regulations. We use 256-bit encryption, the most reliable web services and SLA to keep our users safe! We keep your data to a minimum, so we never ask for a phone number or to connect to any other social media.

Do you have people close to me?

With over 7 million users globally you can easily find a partner around you or while travelling. The countries where we are most popular are: England, Brazil, and America

Are there real women in the app?

More than 32% of new Sasha7 users are women. We know how important it is to have real women so we’ve devoted a considerable amount of our marketing budget on driving female users to our site. In order to guarantee a large number of real women on our site, and to ensure that we have more women than our competitors, we have made our site completely free for women to register and enjoy.

What if I haven't had a date in a long time?

Don't worry if you have been engaged or married for a while and have no practice in terms of dating. Many of our users are in the same situation as you! We know that a big part of dating success is trust, so we guide you through the process of creating a discreet but attractive profile. We also send you personalised tips and tricks to increase your confidence and ensure success on Sasha7.

What if I'm new to online dating?

If you're new to online dating, don't be alarmed. Sasha7 is specifically designed to be user friendly, simple to navigate, and easy to understand. We even provide tips and tricks for creating a profile and using the site to find women interested in "alternative" relationships!

Is it only for married / engaged people?

Sasha7 caters to anyone who seeks discretion, openness, and a non-judgmental community. This includes (but is not limited to) people looking for affairs, threesomes, kink dating, swinging, and more!

How do you keep me anonymous?

1 - We do not access any other social network of yours or your personal data.

2 - We also offer a personalised "Photo Wizard", which allows you to edit, blur and mask your photos to make them more discreet..

3 - We have a feature that allows you to send private photos that are programmed to self-destruct after 5 seconds..

4 - We offer a private personal gallery, where you have the ability to accept or deny access by others at your discretion.

5 - We have an automatic logout that automatically disconnects you after a certain period of inactivity

6 - Our community was built based on discretion and confidentiality and is the most important thing for our users.