Legal Requests

Emergency Requests and Exigent Circumstances
In line with our Privacy Policy, we may disclose account information to law enforcement in response to a valid emergency disclosure request. We are permitted — but under no obligation — to voluntarily disclose information, including contents of communications and customer records, to a national, provincial, state, or local governmental entity if we believe in good faith that an emergency involving the imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires such disclosure without delay.

We evaluate emergency disclosure requests on a case-by-case basis. If we receive information that gives us a good faith belief that there is an emergency involving the danger of death or serious physical injury to a person, we may provide information necessary to prevent that harm, if we have it.

Disclosure of Non-Public Information
It is our policy to disclose non-public member information in connection with a criminal or civil investigation only with a member's consent or upon receipt of a valid subpoena, civil investigative demand, court order, search warrant, or other similar valid legal process.

Where 2743206 Ontario Inc. agrees to produce non-public information in response to a lawful request, we will conduct a reasonable search for the requested information.

3rd Party Reporting
We utilize third-party tools such as Sightengine and Amazon Rekognition for content moderation, which may include automated systems that detect and report illegal activities to the relevant authorities. This may involve the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and law enforcement agencies. By using our platform, you acknowledge and agree that any illegal actions detected on our site may be automatically reported to the appropriate authorities.

Here are the kinds of information we will agree to produce, depending on the kind of legal process we are served with:

With member consent: We will provide private account information if requested, directly to the member, or to a designated third party with the member's written consent once we are satisfied that the member has verified his or her identity.

With a subpoena: If served with a valid subpoena, civil investigative demand, or similar legal process issued in connection with an official criminal or civil investigation, we can provide certain non-public account information, which may include: We utilize third-party tools such as Sightengine and Amazon Rekognition for content moderation, which may include automated systems that detect and report illegal activities to the relevant authorities. This may involve the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and law enforcement agencies. By using our platform, you acknowledge and agree that any illegal actions detected on our site may be automatically reported to the appropriate authorities.

Signup date
Email address associated with the account
IP address(es) used to access the account at a specified time or event relevant to the investigation
With a court order or a search warrant: We will not disclose account access logs unless compelled to do so by either (i) a court order issued upon a showing of specific and articulable facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the information sought is relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation; or (ii) a search warrant issued upon a showing of probable cause. This may include:

Any logs which would reveal a user's movements over a period
Member or IP-specific analytic data such as browsing history
Security access logs other than account creation or for a specific time and date
Only with a search warrant: We will not disclose any private communication of a member except under a search warrant and the showing of probable cause.

Examples of cases where a search warrant is needed include, but are not limited to:
Contents of any private conversation between two or more members (specific timeframe needs to be specified)
Contents of any private conversation with 2743206 Ontario Inc., including verification pictures

Preservation Requests
We will take steps to preserve account records for up to 90 days upon formal request from law enforcement in connection with official criminal investigations, and pending the issuance of a court order or other process.

It is our policy to notify members about any pending requests regarding their accounts, unless we are prohibited by law or court order from doing so, or in rare, exigent circumstances.

Before disclosing member information, we will make a reasonable effort to notify any affected member(s) by sending a message to their verified email address providing them with a copy of the subpoena, court order or warrant so that they can have an opportunity to challenge the legal process if they wish.

Submitting Requests
Please serve requests via email to [email protected].

Please make your requests as specific and narrow as possible, including the following information:

Full information about authority issuing the request for information;
Name and badge/ID of the responsible agent;
A valid official return email address;
Nickname and URL of the member of interest's profile - If you're unable to locate the nickname (including the URL to the member's profile), we can try to find the member's account with a phone number or email address;
URLs of any specific pages of interest; and
Description of the types of records you need.
Please allow at least two weeks for us to be able to look into your request.

We prefer to send data via a secured data transfer link. If you have such a capability, please indicate that in your legal request.

Important Note: Any request in a civil matter has to go through the Ontario (Canada) court.